automatically admire and make friends with all Democrats nor hate all Republicans. As a Protestant I do not find all fellow believers to be upstanding, worthy persons nor all Catholics and Jews to be undes- irable. My point is let us judge the individual whom we meet and find to be a homosexual on the basis of his other human qualities not on whether his sex orientation is the same as ours. Isn't this what we are asking of others about ourselves? Don't we say in effect "What difference does my love of the feminine and its manifestation through clothing make to my other worthwhile human qualities?" Does it help to say in effect, "They are sex deviates." ? As indicated above, in the eyes of society we are "gender deviates". Shall the pot call the kettle black?

What I am trying to say to those of you, and there are many, who are worried about this relationship is this: One an organizational level let the groups cooperate in any way possible for the advantage of both in the figh for social recognition and acceptance. On the individual level, let us judge people on other grounds and leave their private lives to them even as we wish ours to be our own business. Some FPs worry about what they think of as guilt by association. If they go to a predominately homosexual drag ball people will see them and think they are gay. Well, I answer, so what? It's what you know about yourself that is important not what other people think. Anyone who would see you at such an affair would have to have some interest of his own that was a little off the beaten path to be there himself. If you can have an evening's freedom of social expression at such an affair why not? Is everyone that goes to an impersonator club to see the floor show immediately suspect? I think it all comes down to what I have said before, Use Wisdom, Moderation and Perspective in mak- ing your judgements and decisions and all will be well.
